Split Signings
Frequently leave Notary Signing Agents perplexed. Split signings occur when numerous borrowers, such as partners or spouses, are required to sign loan documents, but only one of the borrowers is present at the same time.
In these circumstances, settlement services frequently set up separate signing appointments for two signing agents to process the loan documents, or they schedule separate signing sessions for the same Notary Signing Agent to process both. Notary Signing Agents are occasionally informed in advance and occasionally they are not. However, managing a split signing is not too difficult.
You only notarize documents for the person who is appearing in front of you, whether you are the first or second Notary Signing Agent in the chain.
Certificate Issues
Line through the name of the borrower who is not present if there are two names on a Notary certificate. Initial and date the correction.
Contact the contracting agency and inquire about the next steps if you receive loan documents but there are no Notary certificates present or the certificates have already been signed. Either fresh certificates bearing the signer’s name will be provided to you by the contracting agency, or you may be asked to provide your own certificates.
Remember, you must never make changes to a certificate that you are not completing.